What Our Residents Say
“I felt like BWH was a place where I could be my true self, learn anesthesia, and make lifelong friends along the way. I could not be happier with my choice.” —Diego Villela Franyutti, Class of ’27
Resident Life:
Why BWH? (Resident Testimonials)
"I wanted to train at a top program that would empower me to become the best anesthesiologist I could be while maintaining work-life balance and happiness. Coming from Colombia, I had very high expectations for BWH—yet they have been exceeded. What I have loved most are the kind, hardworking, and easygoing people around me. As an IMG, I have also appreciated the program’s diversity, which has eased my transition into residency. Every day, I’m grateful to train at the Brigham."

"As a loyal New Yorker, much was needed to move me out of the big city. I was searching for a program that provided a sense of diverse community, openness, and support while providing rigorous training and education, and my virtual interview with Brigham Anesthesia portrayed that beautifully. As a current resident, my expectations were absolutely exceeded. I have been met with support emotionally, financially, and mentally, and my goals and aspirations, no matter how big, have been met with extensive and overarching support. I am truly so happy to be a member of the BWH Anesthesia family, working daily alongside colleagues turned lifelong friends, and excited for the growth ahead for all of us!"

"I chose Brigham because of the people, and their passion, to help me excel in all aspects of my career. On interview day, Brigham was one of the few programs that provided me with ideas of combining my interest in Anesthesiology and community outreach/public health. I continue to grow here through opportunities to network, serve in leadership roles, and explore the many ways world-class Anesthesiologists have defined their careers. I am genuinely supported by the department’s leaders and my co-residents. And while residency is full of trials and tribulations, I am incredibly grateful to be in a program where I have colleagues who care about my well-being and go out of their way to brighten my day. I have truly formed life-long friendships, and am blessed to have the diverse community I have built here in Boston."

"While on the interview trail, my main goal was to find a program committed to community engagement and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Before I even stepped on Brigham’s campus, it was readily apparent that this was a priority. Each conversation during my interview day focused on my work in these areas and how to continue them as a resident in the program. Now, after matching here, I can happily say Brigham is one of the most welcoming communities and addresses the unique needs of each constituent’s diverse background."

"As an applicant who couples matched, not only did the Brigham offer us both phenomenal career opportunities, but we felt we would be at home here as part of the queer community. The strong support system, endless clinical opportunities, fantastic alumni network, and geographical location solidified Brigham Anesthesia as the place I wanted to train. Throughout my three years in the program, I have found each of these aspects to be true. I have been further overwhelmed by the mentorship and sponsorship from faculty for leadership opportunities, research projects, and clinical pursuits. Most importantly, the diversity of myself and my colleagues is celebrated daily, making the Brigham a special place to train and work."

"If you couldn’t tell, I’m from Wisconsin! So why did this thoroughbred Midwesterner come out to the East Coast? I got lost trying to get to Hartford, WI, not Harvard! 😊 The honest truth is that I based my final choice on weighing the interactions with the faculty, staff, residents, and interviewers before I made my residency wish list.
You meet a LOT of people on the interview trail, and, at the end of the interview day, all you know is that the place exists, they have operating rooms, and they promise they will train you. However, no matter where you go, you will get trained to become an anesthesiologist, and your hard work and effort will be the largest determining factor in the skills you walk away with.
The people I met, talked, and ate with at BWH seemed to care about me as a person rather than just a workhorse resident, an extension of an impressive alumni network, or even another good future anesthesiologist. The BWH Anesthesiology Department has some incredible people, not just because they do incredible things but because the large majority can do those amazing things and remain humble, relatable, and caring. I would choose that environment over brand-new operating rooms or the latest and greatest toy."

"I am one of the current Ca3s, but I am also a PGY9, having done a prior residency in pediatrics and a fellowship in pediatric critical care! Originally from Connecticut, I have been in Boston now for most of the last fifteen years, minus a quick stint in NYC for med school (at NYU). After medical school, I initially planned for a career in pediatric critical care and came back to Boston to train at the Boston Combined Residency Program at Boston Childrens and BMC. Having never done any anesthesia rotations, it was when I rotated through the ORs as a critical care fellow that I fell in love with the specialty and decided to join the BWH class of 2024! When I'm not at the hospital, I spend time with my husband Brent and our two kids, Sophie (almost four) and Charlie (ten months).
I chose BWH for its fantastic people, excellent clinical training, and professional opportunities. I have found the faculty at BWH to be incredibly supportive of me as a working mom of two young children, especially around the birth of my son during my Ca2 year! BWH also allows you to pursue your unique professional goals; for example, this year, I will be doing six months of dedicated research time, following up on work I did as part of my MPH and as a PICU fellow. Next year, I plan to round out a decade of training with one more year of peds anesthesia fellowship, and then hope to split time as both a pediatric anesthesiologist and pediatric intensivist. I couldn't be happier with my decision to extend my training and to do so here at the Brigham!"

"I grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and went to the University of Colorado for college. As a medical student, I was not expecting to fall in love with anesthesia. I was looking for relief from the endless retracting of my surgical rotation when I signed up for my anesthesia elective, but after two weeks, I was starting to plan my application and wondering which anesthesiology program would be the best fit for me. At first, I was very unsure. I decided to do a sub-internship in the anesthesia department at the Brigham, and I was immediately impressed. Everyone was kind, happy, and inclusive. I felt like I was part of their family already! I met Dr. Lawrence Tsen, one of the OB anesthesia attendings, and he invited me to be part of his research team. Over the next two years, we worked together on several projects, and I learned that he was the type of anesthesiologist I wanted to be – clinically excellent, a leader in his field, but incredibly humble and an absolute pleasure to work with. When he told me he thought my best fit would be at BWH, I listened and ranked them #1. Since starting my journey through residency at the Brigham in 2020, I have felt affirmed in my decision at every step. Each day, I’m surrounded by the kind and supportive BWH faculty, who happen to be the people on the cutting edge of advancements in anesthesia. My co-residents are incredible, and many of them have become some of my closest friends. I have found a fantastic community that pushes me to be the best version of myself. To that end, I decided to run as chief resident, and I’ve learned so much. Being able to advocate for my co-residents is the greatest honor of my career, and every day I look forward to finding ways that we can all continue to build what I believe is the best anesthesia program in the country."

“During my interview cycle, Brigham’s program quickly stood out for its combination of its robust clinical training and dedication to community, inclusion, and equity. I felt it to be a program where I would be pushed to continuously improve my clinical skills, while simultaneously being supported socially and emotionally. Since arriving on-campus, I’m pleased to share that the Brigham has exceeded these expectations. I’m honored to be able to pursue my training with co-residents who are driven, compassionate, and warm and to be taught by faculty who are dedicated to medical education as well as residents’ personal wellbeing.”

"I came to the Brigham for multiple reasons. One of which is the people. There’s a fantastic community here which will provide constant support. The clinical experience is unparalleled, and research opportunities, abundant. I know this program will help me live up to my potential while exploring the endless research opportunities and opportunities outside of the hospital -- permitting the balance I am seeking as a professional."

"Before residency, I completed two years of research within the Department of Anesthesia at the Brigham. To me, the Brigham quickly stood out as a place that not only offered amazing training but also fostered a friendly, collegial atmosphere between all department members. I felt like it was a place where I could be my true self, learn anesthesia, and make lifelong friends along the way. I could not be happier with my choice."

"I am from San Diego, CA, where I completed my undergraduate degree at UCSD. I moved to Boston to attend Tufts Medical School, and I have been in Boston for seven years. I enjoy rock climbing, surfing, ice cream making, snowboarding, and mountain biking in my off-time.
I chose the Brigham because of the fantastic exposure to a wide variety of cases as a resident. I also love the Brigham for its strong sense of community. One of my highlights of coming to work is seeing all my co-residents and attendings in our break room enjoying meals and coffee together. I also love that we rotate with our co-residents on each subspecialty to support and learn from each other and our wonderful attendings. I also love the city; the surrounding area has so much to do!"

"As a non-US international medical graduate (from Colombia), I wanted to be in an inclusive program that would support my aspirations as a physician-scientist. Undoubtedly, BWH was my first choice and has since become a true-home to grow professionally in a world-class research environment. I am very proud to be part of an anesthesia family that puts diversity and clinical excellence."

"The anesthesiology residency at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is a top-tier training program. In addition to learning the clinical skills necessary to handle challenging cases, I have had the opportunity to make significant contributions to research, education, and advocacy. Specifically, I serve as the Native American Affinity Group Co-Chair and hosted a two-day Health Equity Conference that emphasized the importance of pathway programs for increasing the diversity of the medical field."

"As a Black Queer man from the South, I needed to find a residency program where I could not only have the opportunity to become the best anesthesiologist possible but also a place where I could find a home and be in an environment where thriving was a tangible reality. From the moment I interviewed at BWH Anesthesiology, I knew I had found a place that would become my new home, where I would be happy and could unlock my full potential – not only as an amazing clinician but also as someone who could train in an environment where I would be supported financially, socially, and academically. Furthermore, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are not merely talking points in our department; they are woven into its principles and are crucial to its future success."

"I am from California, Kentucky, and was a lifelong Kentuckian before moving to Boston. I went to undergrad, pharmacy, and medical school all at the University of Kentucky, but I fell in love with the Brigham and Boston during the crazy interview season where I couples matched with my husband! Brigham is like family, and I have met lifelong friends and colleagues here!
Being a chief resident allows me to be a voice for the residents and implement change to improve our residency program! In my free time, I enjoy taking walks with my corgi Chase, tending to my box garden and saltwater reef aquarium, and one day soon hope to return to riding and showing horses!"

"I knew Brigham Anesthesia was special when I rotated here as a med student - residents and attendings went out of their way to teach, advise, and support me. As someone interested in serious illness care and shared decision-making, I immediately found amazing mentors working at the forefront of these fields. And most importantly, each day, I get to work with folks who are both role models and dear friends. Residency is a transformative time, and I wanted my training to be shaped by the ethos of compassion and community I found at BWH.
As a Chief Resident, I've gotten an inside look into all the ways Brigham folks support each other - I’ve been amazed by all the work our program directors do behind the scenes to advocate for our residents at every step of the training process. And I love seeing how willing our residents are to teach, support, and celebrate one another daily."